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3D Digital Marketing Illustration
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Set of 12 gems vector 插图, 简洁干净的设计, 非常适合网站, 移动应用程序, books, 社交媒体, flyer, print, banners, posters.
Sales: 1

插图 to Download - EPS, AI, JPEG, PNG formats


Nowadays, 插图 accompany any text, promotional content, 社交媒体 post. It doesn't matter if you want to represent an object or make a concept graphically clearer; they will certainly help you achieve your goal.


However, 插图必须看起来专业和功能,以获得所需的结果,从他们的使用和实现.

This means they must be designed with the use of specialized software and by experts.

如果这不是你的案子, you can consider other options because you’re a beginner or have no experience at all. 例如, you can buy ready-to-use 插图, 哪一种方式可以让你毫无麻烦地利用专业工作.

插图 at Templateog体育首页

Throughout the Templateog体育首页 marketplace, you can find thousands and thousands of 插图 专家设计.

每一组或单个插图都有自己的风格、形状和颜色. 你可以选择一个最适合你的需求和喜好.

Even if you don’t find a perfectly suitable graphic, 你可以很容易地编辑它以后使用一些兼容的编辑程序.

更重要的是, all 插图 are available in many file formats, 您可以选择最适合预期用途的一个.


Every 插图 you’ll encounter across the marketplace is related to a specific topic. Thus, regardless of the industry you operate in, you’ll surely find a corresponding graphic. The following are the most popular topics you’ll find:

  • 商业和服务;
  • 设计与摄影;
  • food;
  • 家和家人;
  • computers;
  • culture;
  • animals;
  • art.


如上所述,插图有不同的格式. Thus, you will have the flexibility to adapt and implement them to any type of format and content. Here are some of the most common available file formats:

  • EPS;
  • AI;
  • JPEG;
  • PNG;
  • CDR;
  • SVG;
  • JPG;
  • PDF;
  • CSS.


Most of the 插图 you’ll find across the marketplace are editable and customizable. 因此,你可以很容易地使它们适应你的品牌标识或个人偏好. The following are some of the most popular editing programs you can use for your edits:



它们中的每一种都比另一种更适合某些预期用途. 下面,我们列出了两者之间一些最相关的区别,让你更清楚.


栅格格式的插图由单个像素组成. These graphics are best used for non-line art images because they ensure chromatic gradations, 未定义的线条和形状, 和复杂的成分.

However, 光栅图形的缺点是,你不能自由地调整或重塑它们,而不会在外观上经历质量损失.


Vector 插图, in contrast to raster graphics, 是基于定义几何形状的数学公式吗. They’re best used to represent more structured images, like line art graphics with flat, 统一的颜色. 与栅格相对, 它们更灵活, as you can scale them up or down indefinitely without affecting their resolution. 这意味着您可以轻松地使它们适应任何内容和屏幕格式类型.

Benefits of using 插图

各种原因解释了为什么人们在他们的内容中添加插图, and they're not all about appearance.

在本节中, we've listed some of the most relevant benefits you can take advantage of if you use them.


People perceive images faster than words. Thus, if you want to deliver an important message, you should use an image to support it. 解释复杂的概念或用文字描述某些东西可能会很困难,而且会让用户感到困惑. 而不是文字,图像可以立即澄清和解释事情.

Draw attention to strategic points

插图可以将注意力吸引到屏幕最重要的部分. 结果是, you can use them to direct users' attention to your most important messages and information. This way, 你要确保他们得到你公司的所有相关信息, product, or service.


插图的另一个相关优势是,你可以策略性地将它们放置在你的网站上,并将它们用作各部分之间的视觉分隔. By doing so, 您将为您的用户提供更好的内容介绍,并使他们更适应您的内容.

They’re an expression of emotions

插图的力量在于它们能够传达你的品牌所代表的情感. As emotions drive the human purchasing decisions, 创造和传播一个品牌将使人们与你的品牌建立联系,并鼓励他们与你做生意.


在您的网站和内容中添加原创和信息丰富的插图将使您的品牌与竞争对手区分开来,并加强其身份. This occurs because 插图 can make the interactions more personable and enjoyable.


Unlike words, 插图 are globally understood. 来自其他国家、说其他语言、有其他文化背景的人可以很容易地理解几乎任何类型的图形的含义, with no additional information needed. 因此, 您创建的内容不需要翻译成多种语言,并且可以在世界任何地方访问.

How to choose the right 插图 templates

虽然选择插图模板似乎是一项简单的任务,但它需要仔细考虑. 在选择插图时,你需要知道所有的细节,因为它们将在你的内容中发挥重要作用.

We have outlined below some of the most important tips to help you make the right choice.


选择插画模板时首先要考虑的是你的品牌风格. It's important to make the right decisions about color, shapes, 整体设计,因为插图将在某种程度上有助于定义和塑造你的品牌风格.


When choosing an 插图, you should also consider the available file formats. 有些格式比其他格式更适合某些用途. 因此,根据您的需要,您可能需要选择一种格式而不是另一种格式. If you plan to use the 插图 on your website, SVG格式将是最好的选择,因为它将在不失去其原始分辨率的情况下为您提供最大的灵活性来调整大小和重塑图形.

Opt for a customizable 插图

如果你想买一个模板,避免从头开始, 你肯定会想要做一些编辑和调整插图,以适应你的品牌标识. In such a case, you need flexibility in customizing their colors, shapes, or overall designs.

Check for editing program compatibility

如果您打算在购买插图后编辑它们, 您应该事先确保它们与您打算使用的编辑程序兼容. The file format is critical in this case, 因为有些程序只会打开并只支持其中的一些. 例如, if you’d like to use Adobe Illustrator software, the AI file format will be the best option to consider.

Avoid too many complex designs

带有复杂和不清晰设计的插图可能会让人感到困惑, 你的内容可能会失去可信度和专业性. Therefore, you should strive for simplicity. You should avoid colors that are too contrasting, 复杂的形状, and designs that are difficult to understand.

Best tips to use 插图 on your website

你是否使用或合并插图到你的内容, there are some important details to consider to ensure they lead to the results you desire.

Following are some of the most relevant details, so you know what to pay attention to.


重要的是要记住,插图可以吸引读者的注意力,你可以利用这一事实,通过策略性地把它们放在你的内容中. 结果是, 你的听众会把注意力集中在最相关和最重要的信息上, which will allow you to get more leads and convert visitors into paying customers.


To make your 插图 even more eye-catching, you can add animations and links to them. 在你的网站上包含指向插图的链接将帮助用户进一步浏览你的网站并探索其他页面. The animation can perform every time the page loads or the user hovers the mouse over it. 让用户体验更有吸引力会鼓励用户花更多时间与你的内容互动. 因此,它将获得权威,变得更加相关.


Although 插图 can embellish and improve your content, you shouldn’t overdo it. 最好不要放置太多的插图,因为它们会使你的网站或资产看起来凌乱, 无组织的, 和不专业. The result may be to have users leave almost immediately.


Another important aspect to consider when adding 插图 to your content is their dimension. 图形的大小应该与文档或网站的其余部分成比例,而不要隐藏重要信息.

Let enough space between 插图

Consider leaving enough space between 插图 when adding them to your content. Thus, 你将创建一个有组织的结构,这将给你的公司带来可信度和专业性. 更重要的是, 通过这样做, 你将避免呈现一个混乱的布局,这是不愉快的互动.


If you need more than a single set of 插图 for your project or necessities, 单独购买它们可能既昂贵又耗时. 订阅 og体育首页ONE 在这种情况下,计划可能是一个更方便的解决方案. It will allow you to download unlimited 插图 and many other professional digital graphics.

插图 Frequently Asked Questions

What is the meaning of the 插图?

An 插图 is a picture or a drawing. 插图的一个例子是儿童读物的图片.


Illustrator是创建图形插图的最佳程序. Instead, Photoshop is better for photo-based graphics.

What are the two types of graphical 插图?

图形插图分为两类:栅格图形, which are composed of pixels, 矢量图形, 基于数学公式的由线和形状组成的.

What software do illustrators use?


  • 油漆工具赛;
  • Adobe Illustrator;
  • Inkscape;
  • 设计师的联系;
  • Adobe Photoshop.

What are the different types of 插图?


  • 儿童书插图;
  • 叙述说明;
  • comic;
  • humor;
  • 编辑插图;
  • 时装插图.