
JS Animated. How to make a contact form field not required

Norman Fisher April 25, 2014
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In templates based on forms.js script

This tutorial will show you how to make your contact form fields not required.

All the fields need to be filled by default. To fix that, find the index page with your contact form and open it in any php/text editor. Locate the following scripts related to your fields:

Make it look like:

Save the changes, and refresh your browser window. Now the ‘e-mail’ field is not required.

This is the end of the tutorial, let us know if you have any questions.

Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:

How to make a contact form field not required

In templates based on TMForm.js script

  1. Open the .html file that represents your “Contacts” page in Dreamweaver or any other HTML editor.

  2. Switch to the “Split” mode to divide your screen into “Code”/”Design” views.

  3. In the “Design” view, select the field which you need to make not required (by default all of them are required). For example, the “Name” field.

  4. That will highlight the code in the “Code” view:

  5. Delete @Required from the data-constraints attribute values list. So the result looks as follows:

  6. Save your changes to the file and upload your template to FTP to check how the field is now working.

  7. The same goes for all other fields. To make a field not required, you will just need to delete @Required from the data-constraints attribute values list of the corresponding tag.

Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:

JS Animated. How to make a contact form field not required (based on TMForm)
This entry was posted in JS Animated tutorials, Web Templates, Website Templates and tagged field, form, forms.js, not required, TMForm.js. Bookmark the permalink.

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