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JS Animated. How to use special shortcodes.php page

Erica Saunders March 11, 2016
Rating: 5.0/5. From 2 votes.
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Our Support team is ready to present you a new tutorial that shows how to work with shortcodes in Website templates.

JS Animated. How to use special shortcodes.php page

Modern JS Animated template packages include shortcodes.php page that presents you source code and examples for some frequently used template elements, such as the ones listed below:

  • Contact form

  • Subscription form

  • Booking form

  • Buttons

  • Icons

  • Icon fonts list

In order to manage them, please perform the following steps:

  1. Type your website URL in browser address bar and add /shortcodes.php at the end, like (where is your site address). It will let you preview the items, available for adding to your site pages:

  2. Connect to your FTP or open File Manager in hosting cPanel.

  3. Open the shortcodes.php file and scroll down to locate the item you’d like to recreate on your website, e.g., RD Navbar Megamenu.

  4. Copy the code for this item, it starts and ends with html comment tag, for example:

    			Megamenu code goes here


    			Map section code goes here
  5. Insert it to your html file (for example, index.html) and save settings.

  6. Check your website, it should display the newly added section now:


Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:

JS Animated. How to use special shortcodes.php page
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